MAILSweep - We're here to help

Save Time, Money and Frustration

Think of the time and money you or your organisation spends dealing with SPAM. Our Tasmanian owned and operated SPAM and virus filtering service is easy to set up, and can reduce your total SPAM by 99.9% today!



4 Levels of filtering get the job done.

1. Latest Firewall Technology blocks incoming known spammers.
2. Powerful analysis software filters incoming/outgoing messages.
3. Twin virus servers check all messages prior to delivery.
4. Clever humans monitor operations to catch false positives.

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Quick & Easy to Set Up

No software to install, we do it all.

All we need is some basic information and without any need to change your computers or devices we can immediately start blocking SPAM with our advanced email analysis systems. It's really that easy!

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We want to save you money!

Did you know that you will spend around $750 per employee, per year? Can your business afford that? For as little as $47 a year you can save over $700 - that's a smart move.

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What We Do?

We become the first line of defence for all of your Incoming and Outgoing email. Messages pass through four different filter systems and is then delivered on to your mail server or to the 'cloud'. Your email will be SPAM, SCAM, Virus and Phishing Email free, it all happens in an instant, it won't delay your email, but it will save you a lot of time and money. 22 years of IT industry and hosting experience mean we know what we are doing!

service 1

Stay Business Focussed

Keep your staff working on what they are supposed to be doing - not fighting SPAM!

service 2

Save Money!

Stats tell us each employee will cost you around $750/yr in lost time due to SPAM.

service 3

SPAM Reports

Get a daily report on your SPAM statistics - you'll know we're doing our job!

Why Use MAILSweep?

MAILSweep uses the latest in SPAM analysis software backed by some clever humans and powerful, reliable hardware solutions to quickly and effectively analyse and deliver your mail on. The time it takes can be measured in milliseconds, there is NO real delay to your mail delivery at all.

We offer genuine customer service, and we have staff monitoring mail transactions in real time so if the system gets it wrong, not only is it corrected by actual people, but the system will 'learn' for next time, so that over time the SPAM engine gets smarter and more effectively filters your email.

You get a daily report of your email activity, you can even log in and manage your SPAM queue if you want to release some SPAM for delivery. Nothing will ever go missing, if by chance we flag a message as SPAM, it's a snap to keep it moving.

How Effective is MAILSweep, really?

Very. Most clients report an immediate 99.8% drop in SPAM emails. Our average client profile of incoming email looks like this:

The bulk of ALL of our client's incoming mail is SPAM and we suspect yours will be no different.

Imagine never having to deal with it again?

Who can use MAILSweep?

Everyone, anywhere in the world! From home users to large organisations receiving 200,000+ emails a day - we make it extremely easy for you or your organisation to start saving today and deal with your SPAM, SCAM, Phising, Virus and email security problems. What's more, your mail server or computer no longer has to deal with all the rubbish, meaning your internet connection no longer has to carry all of the SPAM traffic and your computers or servers no longer have to process up to 90% of the email that will certainly be SPAM messages!

What about filtering outgoing mail?

We offer a complete solution. We also offer you SMTP services you can use from any device to send your mail through, not only guaranteeing immediate email delivery, but also protecting you if you or your network is infected by SPAM sending viruses - which can be a disaster. Also, if we are filtering both incoming and outgoing email, then the SPAM engine can see 'conversations' and even more effectively flag 'good' emails for normal delivery. What's even better, is that it's all included in the price.

SPAM is here to stay, it will only get worse - start saving today and act now..

Purchase now

What Our Clients Say

Don't just take our word for it, see what our customers have to say:

"With a large number of staff spread across the state we have basically eliminated SPAM and email viruses, increasing productivity and decreasing the risk and costs to our business.

We couldnt recommend MAILSweep highly enough."

client 1 Jason Wyllie Wyllie Tiles

"Being a well known charity we are constantly hit by SPAM, it's an enourmous problem and like most charities do not have the time and resources to deal with what was becoming an enourmous problem. MAILSweep has completely alleviated our SPAM problem - I couldn't recommend highly enough!."

client 2 Emma Haswell Brightside Farm Sanctuary

"We process 40,000+ emails a day, since implementing MAILSweep in preference to our existing solution, we have a 99.8% detection rate of SPAM across our email server farm. The daily reports are fantastic and it allows us to offer our clients a Gold Class service at a very cheap price."

client 3 Beat Hosting

"We aim to save our clients time, money, frustration and give them a SPAM free work environment."

Some of Our Clients


We want to save you money, not just be an additional cost to your business. No matter what your size we have something for the little guy, the small business, and the bigger players.

You are already paying for staff to deal with this problem, why not redirect a small portion of that into stopping that cost altogether?


  • $4.50 : Single User
  • Price: per user, per month*
  • Free Setup
  • 24/7 Support
  • Virus Protection
  • Fraud Protection
  • Outgoing Email Filtering
  • Online Management
  • Free Daily Report
  • Money Back Guarentee**

Small Biz

  • $3.90 : 5-50 Users
  • Price: per user, per month*
  • Free Setup
  • 24/7 Support
  • Virus Protection
  • Fraud Protection
  • Outgoing Email Filtering
  • Online Management
  • Free Daily Report
  • Money Back Guarentee**

Big Biz

  • $3.50 : 51+ Users
  • Price: per user, per month*
  • Free Setup
  • 24/7 Support
  • Virus Protection
  • Fraud Protection
  • Outgoing Email Filtering
  • Online Management
  • Free Daily Report
  • Money Back Guarentee**

*1yr signup, minimum user limit may apply to business plans. **Conditions Apply. Prices are in Australian Dollars (AUD).

We also offer custom plans and email hosting, contact us today to discuss your needs.

Contact Us

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Can I get a FREE trial?

    Sure! Why not? In fact we are so confident you will love our service, we will set you up on our time and expense, free of charge, and let you use it all for 30 days absolutely free! Contact us below to get started.
  • I love it, I'm convinced, but I need to get my boss on board, what are the key points to pass on?

    That's easy. Every good boss will not mind spending money to make money. If current research tells us that SPAM is such a massive problem that your average office employee will waste $750 a year in lost time, then then MAILSweep will save you $700 a year for a $50 investment - per employee - now that make's sense, but that's not all:


    • - Claim back the work time that was lost.
    • - Eliminate the risk of dangerous email virus infections and associated IT costs.
    • - Eliminate fraud from phishing emails.
    • - Reduce workload on your mail server dealing with the 75-90% of emails that will be SPAM.
    • - Free up valuable internet connection bandwidth by not downloading SPAM messages.
    • - Lets also not forget the FREE trial.
  • How does it all work? Why don't I have to change anything on my devices?

    Scenario A:
    You are a business and host your email account/s with a hosting provider of some sort. Your devices are configured to collect your mail from your hosting provider.

    Scenario B:
    You are a business who hosts your own email account/s on you own server hardware (ie Microsoft Exchange). Your devices are configured to collect your mail from your own mail server.

    Scenario C:
    You are an individual or small business using a standard email address that came with you internet connection, or attached to a personal domain (ie. / Your devices are configured to collect your mail from your hosting provider.

    ALL email accounts fit into one of the situations above. Regardless of your setup, we configure your email address or domain to deliver email to us first, where we run it through the quad filter process in an instant, then deliver it on to your mail server where you collect it as per normal. From your point of view, nothing changes - except you no longer are bombarded with endless and dangerous SPAM!

  • What devices will MAILSweep work with?

    All of them! In fact it doesn't matter what software or device you use, MAILSweep filters your messages before they are even delivered to you so you never need to worry about your email not being protected.
  • What information do you need from me to start protecting our email?

    Protecting a domain:
    Aside from the usual customer information, we just need your IT people (or we can do it for you at no charge) to make a quick change to your domain settings. To do this you will need your login details for wherever your domain is registered.

    Protecting a single email account:
    If you are a home user or sole operator business, all we need it your email details (your email address and your password). We then collect your email from your account, and you simply then collect it from us. Confused? Don't worry, we do it all for you!

  • What happens to false positive messages, can we get them back?

    Absolutely! We acknowledge this is inevitable, not very often of course (2 messages per 10,000 on average), but our customers all have a portal they can log into that they can manage their own captured SPAM, see reports and restore messages. Of course we have actual humans monitoring all SPAM, so chances are, we will catch the message and pass it on before you even think 'I wonder where that email is?'.
  • What support do you offer?

    24x7. Email matters, in order for you or your business to be effective it simply has to work - we understand this, so if there's an issue, we'll deal with it immediately either on the phone, online, via remote control or any other way we can to solve your problem!
  • What about virus protection?

    In one of the four levels of filtration each email passes through, it it filtered by both Symantec and Clam-AV virus analysis systems, which are updated hourly, providing you the very latest protection mechanisms at all times.
  • How much longer will we have to wait for our email?

    Your incoming email will have passed through three levels of filtration in an instant, in most cases it will arrive at MAILSweep, be filtered, and delivered to your mail account or server in less than 1 second. The fourth level of filter is an actual human, very rarely you may wait a short time for anything falsely identified as SPAM for a clever person here to identify it and release it for delivery - no longer than 30 minutes in most cases. You can always simply log into your account and check at any time yourself though of course and release an email with one click - it's really that simple.
  • How long will you hold my SPAM messages for?

    Every message, SPAM or not is held in your account for 90 days. This gives you time to go back and restore an email at any time within 90 days. This means you can resend a SPAM, Possible SPAM or Good message to yourself or an employee if need be. This also means we operate an offsite email backup system on your behalf - so if you lose it - we've got it.


Want some more SPAM? Ok, it's not SPAM, it's occasional, great information that you might use to help you get the best out of our services and stay abreast of what we are doing to improve our services and technology.

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Complete the form below or call us NOW on 0459 159 270.

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